How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM)

10 Apr

Ngga koq, saya ga akan cerita gimana saya ketemu Ibunya seseorang 😛

Saya mau nyeritain HIMYM American TV Series itu looh, HIMYM adalah American Sitcom pertama yang bisa bikin saya ngakak brutal sewaktu menontonnya. Beneran deh ya HIMYM tuh kocak banget, dialognya cerdas, inspiratif, tapi sekaligus juga bisa bikin ngakak. Tapi semua itu juga tidak terlepas dari peran para pemainnya, yang mampu menghidupkan cerita dan terkesan sangat natural. Ted, Marshall, Lily, Robin, and the Legendary one, Uncle Barney!! Aaaaak saya suka banget sama Uncle Barney, too bad he is a gay in real life. Sejak awal nonton saya emang udah suka sama Uncle Barney, dia itu yang paling kocak, to the point, always suit up! alias selalu pake jas kemana-mana. Cerita awal kenapa dia selalu pake jas itu sebenarnya menyedihkan, tapi lucu juga sih, hahaha. Kalo Ted itu mirip saya, suka overthink gitu deh.

Serial ini sebenernya udah lama banget dari tahun 2005, dan sekarang udah masuk Season ke-7. Tapi saya baru nonton di tahun 2012 ini, dan itu karena ada yang berbaik hati ngasih saya serial ini lengkap dari Season 1-7, thank you to Azmi. Dapet bonus Trilogy The Lord Of The Rings yang extended version lagi, hohoho 😀

Ya udah deh ya, kalian yang penasaran langsung aja tonton serial satu ini. Pokoknya HIMYM itu Brilliant, Hillarious, and L-E-G-E-N…wait for it! D-A-R-Y!! Legendary!! 😆

Ted’s Quotes

“We’re gonna get older wheter we like it or not so the only question is wheter we want to get on with our lives or desperately cling to the past and end up like that”

“Love isnt a science, you can’t calculate feeling. You see, sometimes in life you just have to accept that certain things can’t be explain”

Barney’s Quotes

“Let me tell you about a little something I like to call mind over body. You see, whenever I start feeling sick, I just stop being sick and be awesome instead. True story!”

“Ted, your problem is all you do is think, think, think. I’m teaching you how to do, do, do.”

“All my life, I have dared to go past what is possible… To the impossible? Actually, past that, to the place where the possible and the impossible meet to become……the possimpable.”

“Ted, I believe you and I met for a reason. It’s like the universe was saying, “Hey Barney, there’s this dude, he’s pretty cool, but it is your job to make him awesome!” (saya ngakak pas bagian ini, sumpah ya gayanya Barney waktu ngomong ini pede dan sok yes banget) 

Marshall’s Quote

“Lily, there are a million reasons why I love you. You make me laugh, you take care of me when I’m sick, you’re sweet, caring and you even created an egg dish and named it after me… But the main reason is you’re my best friend, Lily. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had” (Jadi inget Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Cinta adalah Persahabatan)

Lily’s Quote

“I love you because you’re funny, you make me feel loved, and you make me feel safe. But the main reason that i love you is you make me happy all the time”

One Response to “How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM)”

  1. Neng Ucrit 13/04/2012 at 10:10 am #

    ga ngerti 😀

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